Muuttoliikkeen kuva tarkentuu paikkatiedon avulla


  • Jarkko Kauppinen


This article discusses the structure of migration in Finland in 1989– 1994 by means of a GIS (Geographic Information System) with georeferenced data. The material consists of detailed georeferenced data generated by Statistics Finland based on 1 x 1 km grid cells defined by the coordinates of the Basic Map of Finland.

Two-thirds of the inhabited grid cells yielded no instances of migration at all, most of them being located in sparsely populated rural areas. Migration events as a whole are concentrated chiefly in densely populated built-up areas and grid cells of an urban character. The most pronounced flows occur between the most densely inhabited grid cells, although both regional and local differences are observable in this respect.

The economic recession of the early 1990’s does not appear to have affected the directions of mi
gratory flows when viewed on a national scale, but more detailed analysis of migration between communes reveals a predominance of moves from rural grid cells to urban ones in the boom year of 1989 but in the opposite direction in the recession year of 1992.





Kauppinen, J. (2000). Muuttoliikkeen kuva tarkentuu paikkatiedon avulla. Migration-Muuttoliike, 27(1), 22–25. Noudettu osoitteesta


