Pastors on the new continent in socialist caricatures
Founding of the independent Finnish church, the Suomi Synod followed the historically proven fact that whenever two Finns meet, the result will not only be a unison of some kind, but also a bitter fight. However, this had already taken place before the foundation of the evangelical-Lutheran church with e.g. personal insults being published in newspapers and magazines, going so far as to court dealings. Constitutive meeting of the Suomi Synod was held in Calumet on March 25, 1890. The individuals who either resigned or were forced to retire from the Suomi Synod, went ahead to create a ”nation’s church” to replace the ”clergy congregation”. This new congregation came to be known as ”National Church”. Despite the fact that the Suomi Synod experienced a lot of resistance, it gained more members. The majority of churchgoers specifically wished for a similar church that they had gotten used to while in Finland.