Diversity is our challenge and opportunity


  • Hilde Balliére Farner


If for a moment we reflect on the word ”diversity” independently from the issue of immigration, I think we would agree that diversity stands for something rather positive in our societies. It is a fundamental condition for making choices – for opportunities – and we consider freedom of choice almost as a human right. Diversity may apply on anything from types of soap, make of cars or their different models It applies to choice of education and work – choosing your husband or wife. We even state that freedom of religion and hence diversity in religious beliefs is a fundamental right.

On the other hand, when it comes to having people of an other colour of skin, from other societies and cultures as our neighbours, or to experience that people of an origin unlike our own have the same possibilities and
rights as we have in our society – at that moment diversity seems to turn into a problem





Balliére Farner, H. (2003). Diversity is our challenge and opportunity. Migration-Muuttoliike, 30(1), 15–19. Noudettu osoitteesta https://siirtolaisuus-migration.journal.fi/article/view/91804


