Maahanmuuttajien Suomen sisäinen muuttoliike
Mikä vetää Turkuun muualta Suomesta?
Immigrants’ internal migration in Finland is enlarging the immigrant population in Turku. Primary reasons for immigrants to change place of residence inside Finland are lack of job and education opportunities, lack of social relations and small size of ethnic communities in the first place of residence. The latter reasons lead to difficultness in maintaining your own culture; causes mental stress and thus push people to move. Turku’s pull factors are culturally and religiously active and sizeable ethnic groups, relatives and friends living in the city, good connections to abroad, warmer climate compared to northern Finland and bigger city’s wider variety of opportunities to mention some. Refugees migration inside Finland burden the economy of the second receiving municipality, because government’s assistance on refugees integrative activities stay in the first municipality that initially received the newcomer. On the other hand immigrants are potential workforce to the receiving area, they diversify the cultural activity of the municipality and bring more businesses.