Cultural Competence in Health Promotion and Experienced by the Kurdish Women in Finland


  • Afrouz Zibaei


Cultural competence, awareness, sensitivity, knowledge, Kurdish immigrant, Kurdish women


For people who come from other countries to live in Finland, the impact of settlement and acculturation varies widely depending on their experience and situation. There are many determinants of health and well-being from outside of the health system. Finland is becoming more responsive to the needs of people from diverse backgrounds. This research explains in general the plight of the Kurdish women having immigrated into Finland. A woman’s position in this society is slow to change. These women have experienced various factors in their everyday lives such as patriarchy, political issues, diff erent environments, different languages and cultures. In this research I have shown that those factors directly and indirectly infl uence the Kurdish woman in Finland’s health situation. I have likewise proposed a project plan in order to solve these problems.

Data were collected using individual interviews derived from three discrete groups in three cities in Finland. The interview group consisted of 12 Kurdish immigrant women aged 30 to 52 years. Each has lived in Finland for some time—either in Helsinki, Turku or Tampere. The research is based on interviews. The research method in this study was qualitative. Data collection was conducted in the form of individual theme interviews. The results were analyzed by qualitative method based on interview analysis. The result of this study shows that health promotion among Kurdish immigrant women is important and should be taken into account when planning further health promotion programs in Finland. Most of the Kurdish immigrant women have language problems and poor understanding of health care promotion and the health care system.

The findings of this research study could be used for planning of the methods in the health promotion project, developing personal health promotion skills of the Central Council for Health Education and Promotion for Kurdish immigrant women.





Zibaei, A. (2014). Cultural Competence in Health Promotion and Experienced by the Kurdish Women in Finland. Migration-Muuttoliike, 41(1), 21–31. Noudettu osoitteesta