Workshop insights

on the interconnections between transnational migration and development


  • Marja Tiilikainen
  • Mika Raunio
  • Pirkko Pitkänen


During the second day of the Argumenta seminar, titled “Interconnections between Transnational Migration and Development” and organised at the University of Tampere on September 5–6, 2017, three workshops were arranged on the migration-development nexus. The topics for the workshops were remittances (financial, social, political), the international recruitment of skills (labour, students) and return migration (policies on return and reintegration). The aim of the workshops was to explore what kinds of research and policies are needed for each field in question. The topics were discussed in “knowledge cafes”, where participants circulated among the three workshops and provided their views on the respective topics.





Tiilikainen, M., Raunio, M., & Pitkänen, P. (2017). Workshop insights: on the interconnections between transnational migration and development. Migration-Muuttoliike, 43(4), 18–20. Noudettu osoitteesta