Externalizing migration management, criminalizing solidarity


  • Anitta Kynsilehto


global mobility, border, asylum, externalisation, solidarity, criminalization


The contemporary regime of mobility is uneven, leaving the majority of the people especially from the Global South without access to regular forms of mobility. On the contrary, their mobility is seen as a threat to social cohesion in the Global North destinations, which has translated in enhanced outsourcing of border control, asylum and ‘migration management’ more broadly. In this article, I discuss the politics of mobility focusing in particular on the Mediterranean region. I pay special attention to enhanced control efforts, Southern Mediterranean States’ attempts to respond to the externalisation of migration management by the European Union, and the criminalization of solidarity actions both on land and at sea.





Kynsilehto, A. (2019). Externalizing migration management, criminalizing solidarity. Migration-Muuttoliike, 45(1), 19–21. Noudettu osoitteesta https://siirtolaisuus-migration.journal.fi/article/view/89372